Summer Semester
Module Computer-aided drug discovery (Computergestützte Wirkstoffentwicklung), for Masters in Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics
We use the MOE (Molecular Operating Environment) drug discovery software in the practical course and demonstrate its usage with different tutorials. We acknowledge the support by the Chemical Computing Group (https://www.chemcomp.com) for providing us teaching licenses for MOE.
Instrumentelle Analytik für Pharmazeuten 0401, für Studiengang Pharmazie, 4. Semester
Modul 'Vom Wirkstoff zum Arzneistoff' 11-BCH-0815, für Studiengang Master Biochemie, 2. Semester
Winter Semester
IR Spectroscopy Practical Course for Module Structural Analytics (Strukturanalytik 11-BCH-0518), for Bachelor Biochemistry, 5. Semester
Rosetta Course for Module Molecular Modeling (Molekülmodellierung 11-BCH-0703), for Master Biochemistry, 2. Semester